Shower Power!

The sun has been shining all day and we have been at a beautiful house by the sea for my best friends surprise baby shower, perfect start to the Easter Bank Holiday. And even though I haven’t been at work for 7 months, a four day weekend still feels extra exciting. I love the feeling of being completely disorientated because a Friday feels like a Saturday and a Saturday feels like a Sunday and it taking a good week to work out what’s going on, this combined with the fact I rarely know what year it is, let alone month, makes for a rather interesting time.

Hubby was off work so Vida had a day with daddy whilst I rustled up some foodie treats and went to the party! We all brought some dishes or decorations and got there a good hour before my friend arrived to get the place all tarted up.

The girls really surpassed themselves with the gorgeous food and decorations they made, we had triangle sarnies (with crusts off of course!) Easter cupcakes, white chocolate and walnut cookies, some amazing (Dukan diet friendly!) smoked salmon and mackerel pate with galettes and even some baby bottles filled with sweeties!

Treats galore!

My offering consisted of my mini dippy crab cakes which went down an absolute storm with mummies and babies alike. I also tried out a Nigella recipe for cosmo cocktail sausages which have all the ingredients you find in the famous cocktail, they were a bit of fun, mega sticky, but also really tasty and great picky food for a party. The final thing I whipped up was my tried and tested butternutty salad, always a hit and so so easy to make.

My friend got spoilt beyond belief, she found out she was having a little girl during her first scan, so all the gifts were suitably cute and girlified. I’d chosen a gorgeously soft Merino Kids wool sleep bag as my gift and some cute Trumpette socks which look like little shoes and actually stay on! One of the best gifts she got, in my opinion, was a hamper full of essentials, bongela, calpol, infacol, gripe water, dribble bibs, wipes, nappies, muslin cloths and much more! I can just imagine her husbands face when she gets home wondering what the hell each little bottle and lotion is meant to be for!

It’s hilarious watching the childless girlies staring at a Bumbo trying to work out what the hell it is and how the hell to pronounce it, even the mummy-to-be asked if gripe water was a type of drink. Nodding your head knowingly that it doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know what it is now, but after trailing through forums and websites at 3am looking for that secret sleep inducing nugget, she’ll try it all and soon know what each bottle is for and whether to put it on bum or in mouth and the best thing being, she’ll have it all to hand thanks to the magic box of tricks! Genius!

I’m not entirely sure when baby showers became the norm in England and love them or hate them, they’re a bit of fun and a chance to celebrate being fabulously female! And as I looked around the room at all the beautiful ladies whom I adore, it made be think what a total berk that Samantha Brick really is! If you haven’t joined the millions of people shouting at their computer screens and staring wide mouthed at this woman’s distorted view of womanhood (and herself)- you have your chance here!

Hated because she's so beautiful?

Anyhow, that’s a sufficiently soppy, pinky, perky, Girl Poweresque post. I’m off to make my Sunday a Monday.


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